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首页>> >工业冷水机> ACW-420PT新能源电池组冷水机


简要描述:ACW-420PT 新能源电池组冷水机主要应用于新能源电池组的循环水冷却,电池模组是由多个电池模块连接而成的,在实际应用中会产生大量的热量导致电池的温度上升,温度过高会直接降低电池的性能。

  • 产品型号:ACW-420PT
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2023-09-20
  • 访 问 量:989


品牌 EUROCOLD 产地 国产
类型 水冷机/油冷机 销售区域 全国,华东,华南,华北,华中,东北,西南,西北,港澳台,海外

ACW-420PT新能源电池组冷水机主要应用于新能源电池组的循环水冷却,电池模组是由多个电池模块连接而成的,在实际应用中会产生大量的热量导致电池的温度上升,温度过高会直接降低电池的性能,我公司冷水机,可以为电池组提供恒定温度的冷却水,通过电池组循环水道降电池组间的热量带出,从而使电池可以稳定的输出能力,同时也延长了电池组的使用寿命, 用户可以根据电池组功率大小选择不同制冷量的冷水机,比如5HP, 10HP,以下是详细产品详细介绍及参数表:

工业水冷机简介 Overview of industrial water cooler

(一)应用范围应用范围 Application Range

● 加工中心高速电主轴、水冷式伺服电机 For high speed spindle in machining center,Water-cooled servo motor

● CNC线切割机床、多线切割机 CNC wire cutting machine、multi-wire sawing machine

● CNC雕刻机、高速雕铣机 CNC Carving Machine, High speed engraving and milling machine

● CNC机床力矩电机、直线电机 CNC machine tool torque motor, linear motor

● PCB钻孔机、铣边机 PCB drilling machine, milling machine

● 服装机械、食品机械、塑料机械、模具、淬火机及其焊接设备 Garment machinery, food machinery, plastic machinery, mold, quenching machine and welding equipment
●半导体制造、光学设备及其实验仪器 Semiconductor manufacturing, optical equipment and experimental instruments

(二)功能及特性 Functions and features

●采用高压静电喷塑处理,外观高雅别致,经久耐用; Adopt high voltage electrostatic spray treatment, elegant and chic appearance, durable.

●*的结构设计,体积小,性能稳定,精巧美观; Unique structure design, small size, stable performance, exquisite and beautiful;


System components are adopted well-known brands at home and abroad, to ensure excellent quality and good safety and reliability of equipment;


Automatic control temperature controller, simple and intuitive operation. The device has two control modes of "fixed temperature" and "room temperature coherence", which can be switched freely. .according to actual needs

With the function of automatic fault diagnosis, the fault points are directly displayed on the screen, prompting the user to quickly deal with. The fault signal can be fed back to the CNC numerical control system to protect the host equipment and avoid damage to the equipment and processed parts.

Provide multiple protection functions and passive alarm terminals, remote control terminals, easy to achieve CNC system centralized control and monitoring, and can be equipped with RS485 communication function, effectively ensure the safety of the host equipment to extend the service life.




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  • 联系人:王先生
  • 地址:天津市武清区京津科技谷产业园和园道89号24号楼2层
  • 邮箱:sales@eurolinks.cn


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